Therapy for Couples

Relationships are built. Relationships can heal.
Relationships are deeply ingrained into our lives. As a developing baby in our mothers womb, we were connecting to the experiences of our caregiver and our environment. As we toddle around, learning about the world, we continue to search for safety and protection from the adults who care for us.
Cultivating close connections is a key experience at every stage in life. We build relationships around our values, passions, and experiences.
Sometimes, though, it feels like a step was missed in laying the foundation of our relationships. Or perhaps we’ve put the joyful work into building the relationship, but maintenance went by the wayside. We can feel so alone, craving to be known, loved, and comforted.
Relationships that feel like they’re crumbling can be rebuilt.
Relationships that feel like they’re crumbling can… crumble. And you can find the strength to assess the damage, dust yourself off, and bravely lay new foundations.
We specialize in attachment-based therapies, including Emotion Focused Therapy for Couples. We are also trained in the Gottman Method of couples therapy, and often use their practical approach to problem solve and improve communication.
Currently, we are seeing couples via Telehealth. We have found (and so has research) that telehealth is as effective as in-person for most clients. Some benefits noted include:
increased flexibility in scheduling for providers and clients, and thus more consistent ability to meet
reduced travel time and extraneous expenses like gas and childcare
an ability to experience emotions in a new way in your own space, which allows you to more smoothly transfer therapeutic work from session to daily life
Ready to find your soft place to land?