Therapy for Complex Trauma
Sometimes the road is long, hard, and lonely.
The disappointment, rejection, and hurt can make it hard to lean on others, or know how to set boundaries for ourself. How can we know how to properly build relationships when nobody taught us?
The echoes of our trauma leave a physical mark. We might experience a detachment from our body, reduced sensations and emotions, and even a sense of being slowed down. Alternatively, we may feel jumpy, on-edge, and as though we’re always looking over our shoulder, unable to trust others or ourself.
The instinct to survive challenges, and even harrowing circumstances, is strong us. We’re incredibly resilient creatures! When faced with terror, your body and brain reacted in the best way they knew how to get you through. However, once the traumatic circumstances have passed, these survival instincts, and the choices we made to get through, may leave us feeling fractured and unsteady. How will we feel from one day to the next? How do we connect with others when we can hardly connect to our own self?
We can find a sense of calm, curious, connectedness again.
We begin by creating a safe, secure holding place in therapy. This space becomes a catalyst for working through and smoothing out the communication in your own self - between your brain and body. We will work together to re-establish a sense of safety in your own body, at a pace that works for you.
At A Soft Place to Land, we specialize in attachment-based and relationship-based therapy modalities, including Emotion Focused Therapy, Internal Family Systems Therapy, and Brainspotting. We don’t use just one approach for all complex trauma clients, as experiences and needs are varied. Overall, a central value of our approach to trauma treatment is honoring the instinct to survive and overcome.